Let's unpack some marketing essentials plus go over some of the greatest tools today for efficient, effective small business marketing. Join us for “Small Business Marketing Tools” when we will help you find longevity in your advertising efforts. Get the information you need, the resources to succeed, and find a balance between blowing off marketing or spending hours on the best-laid plans. From Google and Canva to social media, newsletters, and websites — let's get you mastering marketing basics, leaning on digital and physical tools appropriately, and handing things off to someone when you're ready. You'll be double-dipping content, obsessed with your brand, and increasing sales before you know it. No fee. To register, visit sbdc.uwf.edu and open “Training & Events”. Presenter: Allyson Lawson, Marketing & Communications Associate, Florida SBDC at UWF. Sponsored Cadence Bank and Wells Fargo.

Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 9, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
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